Just to mention a few, how would your business fair? how would you plan? Will you succeed?
· Will this growth come from organic or Mergers & Acquisitions
· If M&A how will you identify, evaluate and fund these opportunities? What fit are you looking for? Are you going to remove competitors or offer bolt on services or grow by region?
· Will your current processes support this growth? Will you need a significant CAPEX investment into IT software, machinery or property
· Do you have the right staff from top to bottom? In terms of volume but also do they have the right skills? How much did you spend last year on training, is this sufficient to grow?
· What financial structure will you require to support this growth? How much do you need to borrow and when?
· What will happen to your product / service offering? How much do you need to spend on R&D to grow your competitive advantage
· What will your competitors reaction be to your growth in the market, have you scenario planned a price war?
ACE Interim Solutions has the financial expertise to partner you on this journey.